Introduction Last updated: 2023-08-23

Welcome to the Kaleidoscope REST API! Our API empowers you to easily search, aggregate, and retrieve information from our vast content repository. With our powerful and intuitive RESTful interface, you can seamlessly integrate our data into your applications, websites, and workflows. We take pride in providing a fast and reliable API that's easy to use. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, our API documentation and code samples will help you get up to speed in no time. Thank you for choosing the Kaleidoscope API. We look forward to working with you!

Getting Started with the Kaleidoscope API

Thank you for choosing the Kaleidoscope API! We're excited to help you access our extensive content repository through our fast and easy-to-use RESTful API.

  1. Sign up for an API key: To access the Kaleidoscope API, you'll need to sign up for an API key. You can do this by visiting our website and creating an account. Once you've created your account, you can generate your API key from the account dashboard.
  2. Review the API documentation: Next, familiarize yourself with our API documentation. This documentation provides detailed information about our endpoints, request and response formats, and other key aspects of the API. You can find the documentation on our website or by using the link provided in your account dashboard.
  3. Test the API: Now that you have your API key and have reviewed the documentation, you're ready to start testing the API. We recommend using a REST API testing tool like Postman or Insomnia to help you get started. You can also use our code samples as a starting point for your own implementation.
  4. Integrate with your application: Once you're comfortable with the API, you can integrate it into your application. Our API supports a wide range of use cases, from search and aggregation to content retrieval and analysis. Our team is also available to help you with any questions or issues you may encounter.

Thank you for choosing the Kaleidoscope API. We're excited to work with you and help you build great applications!

SEC Filings Last updated: 2023-07-25

For the most comprehensive collection of all electronic SEC filing types for all public companies, funds and investment management companies. from 1994 to present, even those no longer listed or disolved. Looking for more obscure, littlle known filings for utilities, municipal advisors, transfer agents, or broker-dealers? Also included in the complete raw filings data set includes obsolete filing types from 1994 to present, Kaleisocope has them all.


Search and filter the entire dataset of over 18+ million SEC filings and exhibits published on SEC EDGAR since late 1993. Kaleidoscope’s API supports both simple keywords and complex Boolean expressions in conjunction with 20+ filters. Each filing is enhanced with conversions to popular printable or downloadable formats such as PDF and WORD, and table extractions to Excel.

API Endpoint: GET<identifier>

  • identifier: String: {Required} Restrict results to ticker, CIK
  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
  • content: String: {Required} Content to search against Available values: sec, exhibits, agreements
  • limit: Int: Limit results
  • start: Int: Used as a way to page through data. If end is 100 then the next start be 100
  • sd: Int: Start from a date with a timestamp (Unix Timestamp)
  • ed: Int: End at a date with a timestamp (Unix Timestamp)
  • exp: String: Boolean expression
  • form: String: Restrict results to passed form(s). Use ; between forms to pass more than one form
Code Examples:




Response Types:



This data set provides a list of long positions in equity holdings and insights into where the smart money is investing in the market. Form 13F must be filed within 45 days of the end of a calendar quarter by institutional investment managers with at least $100 million in assets under management. Short holdings will begin to be disclosed as of January 2024. Kaleidoscope extracts the full portfolio of stock positions, and calculates the percent of the portfolio each holding represents and the percentage of increase or decrease in holdings of each issuer from the previous filing.

API Endpoint: GET<identifier>

  • identifier: String: {Required} Restrict results to cusip, ticker, CIK
  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
  • type: String: {Required} Format: HTML, PDF, Word, XLS, XBRL, XBRL-HTML
  • limit: Int: Limit results
Code Examples:




Response Types:



Form D’s are exempt registrations for small companies and funds that are “testing the investment waters” before going through a formal IPO. Offerings include a variety of securities to investors who are interested in an early buy-in on a potentially attractive investment opportunity.

API Endpoint: GET<identifier>

  • identifier: String: {Required} Restrict results to acc, CIK
  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
  • limit: Int: Limit results
Code Examples:




Response Types:



Form C is an offering statement filed by businesses looking to raise capital from all types of investors through online crowdfunding which eliminates the hassle and responsibilities that comes with an initial public offering (IPO) with the SEC. Other types of Form C: C-U (update), C/A (amendment), C-AR (Annual Report), C-AR/A (amendment to annual report), and C-TR (termination of reporting). Reported in a combination of XML and PDF.

API Endpoint: GET<identifier>

  • identifier: String: {Required} Restrict results to acc, CIK
  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
  • limit: Int: Limit results
Code Examples:




Response Types:


Insider Last updated: 2023-08-23

All the executive officers, directors and 10% owners of publicly listed companies on US stock exchanges must disclose share transactions, including buy and sell transactions, which are reported to the SEC in forms 3, 4 and 5. Kaleidoscope’s API converts the XML data in SEC form 3, 4, and 5 into a standardized JSON format, indexes the information into the database and makes the data searchable through the Insider API. Kaleidoscope’s Insider API provides the data details reported for non-derivative securities in Table I and derivative securities, such as (e.g., puts, calls, options, warrants, convertible securities, or other rights or obligations to buy or sell securities) Table II of forms 3, 4, and 5, as well as the explanatory footnotes to transactions and links to the filing.


API Endpoint: GET<identifier>

  • identifier: String: {Required} Restrict results to ticker, CIK
  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
  • limit: Int: Limit results
  • start: Int: Start results from
  • sd: String: Start date
  • ed: String: End date
Code Examples:




Response Types:


Stocks Last updated: 2023-08-23

No additional exchange fees required for intraday and EOD market data available via Kaleidoscope’s Stock Data API. For intraday prices, we provide a push delivery that is 15-20 minute delayed (ET). Push or pull delivery of stock prices and key performance indicators for End of Day (EOD) prices are updated at the close of the trading day, usually within 20 minutes. EOD prices are perfect for historical stock price trends, volume and charting.

Stock Real-Time

API Endpoint: GET

  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
Code Examples:




Response Types:


Stock Historical

API Endpoint: GET

  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
  • limit: Int: Limit results
  • sd: String: Start date as a timestamp
  • ed: String: End date as a timestamp
Code Examples:




Response Types:


Compensation Last updated: 2023-09-18

Kaleidoscope offers two Compensation APIs, each delivering standardized compensation data for all key executives or directors as reported in SEC filing DEF 14A. The API covers compensation data reported since 2008 and is updated in real-time.

Compensation Summary

API Endpoint: GET<identifier>

  • identifier: String: {Required} Restrict results to acc, CIK, ticker
  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
  • sort: String: Sort retrieved data by asc or desc
  • year: Int: Filter retrieved data by specific year
Code Examples:




Response Types:


Compensation Director

API Endpoint: GET<identifier>

  • identifier: String: {Required} Restrict results to acc, CIK, ticker
  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
  • sort: String: Sort retrieved data by asc or desc
  • year: Int: Filter retrieved data by specific year
Code Examples:




Response Types:


Corporate Actions Last updated: 2023-09-18

Search for and be alerted on corporate actions found in Form 8-K filings, Items 1.01 – 9.01. Each represents any event that brings a “material change” to an organization impacting its stakeholders. Examples of corporate actions include new agreements, triggering events, stock splits, dividend distributions, mergers, acquisitions, changes to shareholders rights issues, spinoffs, reorganization, company name or trading symbol changes, and bankruptcy/liquidation.

Corporate Actions

API Endpoint: GET<identifier>

  • identifier: String: {Required} Restrict results to ticker, CIK
  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
  • limit: Int: Limit results
Code Examples:




Response Types:


SEDAR Last updated: 2023-09-18

SEDAR is an acronym for the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR), Canada’s electronic filing system that allows Canadian listed companies to report their securities-related information with the authorities concerned with securities regulation in Canada’s jurisdictions. SEDAR was established as mandatory by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) in 1997. SEDAR is the Canadian equivalent of the SEC's EDGAR, the U.S. electronic system for filing securities information. However, unlike SEC filings where all relevant annual or quarterly information is filed in one document, SEDAR requires each section to be submitted as individual documents. For instance, the annual information form does not include the MD&A, the audited financial statements, compliance report or certifications as an example.


API Endpoint: GET<identifier>

  • identifier: String: {Required} Restrict results to cusip, ticker, CIK
  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
  • limit: Int: Limit results
  • page: Int: Returns a page of data
  • symbol: DEC:CA
Code Examples:




Response Types:


Press Releases Last updated: 2024-03-15

Our Press Releases endpoint provides access to a comprehensive database of press releases based on ticker symbols. By simply providing the desired ticker symbol as a parameter, users can access up-to-date press releases relevant to specific companies or financial instruments. Whether you're a developer creating financial applications, an investor conducting research, or a journalist seeking timely information, our API offers seamless integration and easy access to the latest press releases.

Press Releases

API Endpoint: GET<identifier>

  • identifier: String: {Required} Restrict results to a ticker
  • API-KEY: String: {Required} API key
  • limit: Int: Limit results
  • start: Int: Used as a way to page through data. If end is 100 then the next start be 100
  • year: Int: Filter retrieved data by specific year
  • sort: String: Sort retrieved data by asc or desc
  • sd: Int: Start from a date with a timestamp (Unix Timestamp)
  • ed: Int: End at a date with a timestamp (Unix Timestamp)
Code Examples:




Response Types:


Error Codes

400 - Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 - Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 - Forbidden -- The page requested is for administrators only.
404 - Not Found -- The page requested was not found.
405 - Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access the API with an invalid method.
406 - Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that’s not supported.
410 - Gone -- The page requested has been removed from our servers.
418 - I'm a teapot.
429 - Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too fast! Slow down!
500 - Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 - Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.